Blog tagged as Brand and Strategy

What we do - Drive Software Solutions
DRIVE is a successful company but had allowed their success to overtake the consistent development and application of brand and marketing. They were also about to launch a brand new product into a new market segment.
19.06.20 11:13 AM - Comment(s)
What Is a Brand and Why Is Mine Not Working?
Explore the definition of a brand and also discover the mistakes that contribute to a brand’s failure.
18.06.20 08:12 PM - Comment(s)
Say 'Cheese!' and snap! Your event is now going global and perhaps even viral!

Working with clients like the RNOH Charity, we are always looking to help them get the most from events. So what could be easier than giving your participants a selfie board to snap, share and promote your product or service! As always, keep it simple and easy to read and who knows who might be foll...

16.06.20 09:08 PM - Comment(s)
3-2-1 Launch!

We were delighted to be invited to join the launch team of Drive Software Solutions newest product ODO. One thing you cannot change with a live launch is the date - it's like an exhibition, once the date is published everything heads towards that immovable object!

Our part in this event would be in s...

16.06.20 08:55 PM - Comment(s)